Where Soul meets
and libEration is
found in the

The years spent exploring my edges, awakening my spiritual gift, and uncovering the truth about balance combined with the experiences of starting, scaling and managing a multiple six and seven figure business has given me the insight to offer an unparalleled approach. My approach has allowed me to coach and train corporate businesses and entrepreneurs for over a decade. I have helped thousands of curious minds find their truth + purpose and generate millions in revenue in the process.
All of this has been made possible thanks to my keen ability to cut through the bullshit to get to the magic. Because, let’s face it, a lot of spiritual and career paths are characterised by detours and doubling-backs and down-right mistakes. And wouldn’t it be nice to skip over those chapters?
I am not a coach who operates by trial and error. I do not want you to throw something at the wall, hope it sticks, and come back to me when it doesn’t. You don’t have to learn from mistakes, because I believe triumphs can be just as informative. And through the use of my intuitive gift, a combination of highly-developed sensorial abilities that past clients have affectionately dubbed the ‘Clair’s, I am able to surmise your Highest self — the version of you in optimum success as defined by your spiritual needs, gifts, and desires. And with this end goal made tangible, I am able to pull from my vast strategic insight to break it up into actionable steps. No guesswork. No self-doubt.
Just an empowered path to a successful business and a fulfilling life.

Jennifer Flynn is the epitome of “what you see is what you get.” She has made it her mission to practice first what she teaches so she can coach with authenticity and integrity, and she swirls it with humor and personality making her the perfect blend of a balanced coach, mentor, friend and drill sergeant. Professionally and personally Jennifer is in a league all to herself yet she makes you feel as if you’re the only other person in the world when she’s with you.
Jennifer is truly the real deal.