
What are you tolerating?

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What are you tolerating? In other words what is getting in the way of balance?….a better question might be what doesn’t get in the way, right?

It is a big topic that I likely can’t solve in one tiny blog post, but there are some things that consistently get in our way…they cause distractions. In the coaching world we call them ‘tolerances’

Tolerances sneak up on you and layer on to of each other. It happens subtly, and with one veneer after another you don’t notice them until collectively the weight is suddenly too much. This is usually when the ‘snap’ happens.

They are those little things that add up. They are the distractions and the drainers of the life force. They are the clutter. Tolerances also steal your productivity. It becomes the small thing that can tip us over at just the right (or wrong) moment. It is the proverbial straw that breaks the camels back.

“What do you tolerate that keeps you from achieving your dreams and goals?”

“Who do you put up with in your life that keeps you from experiencing happiness or self-respect?”

“What are the ‘anchors’ on your tail that weigh you down and keep you from soaring to new heights in your business, relationships or life in general?”


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