
Wonder Twin Power Hour: Are YOU Seriously Worth the Investment?

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You were born with a dream…a passion…a vision. You knew exactly what you wanted to be when you grew up. It’s all you could think about when you were a kid: the people you’d help; the places you’d go; the diseases you’d cure; the family vacations you’d take to Wally World. But then…you grew up. You went to school. You got good grades. You got a job. And the vision faded along with your childlike wonder.

But what if maybe…just maybe…you turned off the flat-screen for a day and invested that time instead in thinking about the passion that once kept you awake at night and woke you up early? What if fear and failure weren’t an option? What if you began to dream THE dream again? Would you do it? Would you take steps toward making that dream a reality by investing in YOUR purpose?

Look around you. At this point in your life can you afford not to?

Join the Wonder Twins as they discuss the ins, outs, ups, downs, hows, whats and whys of investing in yourself — the only thing you get to take with you as long as you live.

Jennifer Flynn is passionate about helping people reach their goals and potential. She primarily works with ‘addicted to busy’ high achievers and small business owners who have gotten caught in the choke hold of stress with a life out of balance. For more information on programs and services contact her directly at www.thebalancemaven.com or reach out via your favorite social media link.

Danica Trebel, founder of Fix This Kid Coaching, knows first-hand the power of the spoken and unspoken word. It was through her own personal and professional experiences she was led to her passion of helpting to reinvent and restore families. She is an expert in helping people live their lives to the fullest through faith, communication and authenticity.



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